ok, so, i had a dream the other night that i actually finished one of these boxes, and it was amazing, so i thought i should share. now, this isnt really a new daily design, though i did do this all in one day when i first made it, so im using it as one, plus it is still new to all of you with the exception of kyle, steve and joel, who are my chess nerd buddies that i shared this with already. ok, the idea, POSTCARD CHESS! its not an entirely new concept, just a new all inclusive design and the way its played is different as well. let us examine...

the logo etched on top.
two different kinds of wood make up the top and bottom.
hinged and latched.
smooth finish but no polyurethane.

the stampers would have different tops on them to match the game piece its stamping.
they're held in a felt covered wood cut out, along with the pens/pencils/sharpener.
the writing utensils are there for taking notation, which is optional of course, and for writing any threatening comments to your opponent. e.g. "i will destroy you!"
there is an elastic bound folder on the top of the box which holds your postcards and the ink pad for your stampers.
the pipe is in there because if you are playing postcard chess, odds are, you are enjoying your pipe while examining the postcard you just received from the other player.
moving on.

carved from the same two types of light and dark wood that the box is made out of.
the game piece is etched on the top of the stamper.
a matching rubber mold is on the bottom.
stamp away.

the postcards can have a customized front for either the player, or the match itself.
the backs contain the board, logo, space for writing threats and a small rectangular place holder for your postage.
so, thats everything that i have so far.
hopefully i will have a few boxes by the end of the summer.
but we will see.